Day 22 of the COVID-19 Ramadan.

Lila F.
2 min readMay 14, 2020

Why don’t we ask Allah SWT for the life of our dreams?”

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, Most Compassionate.)

We say the word SubhanAllah (Glorious be to Allah SWT) at least 17 times a day during our obligatory prayers. But do we really understand what we’re saying?

SubhanAllah means Glorious be to Allah SWT and it also entails the Greatness and that He is limitless. Sheikh Yahya Ibrahim stated that,

“Saying SubhanAllah, means that we are acknowledging and praising that He is limitless, even though there are those who limit him.”

And I remember when I first heard this I thought, “Who would try to limit Allah SWT?” and I realized that, Astagfirullah, May Allah SWT forgive me, that I did.

Whenever I thought about making like, out of this world, insane, non-attainable du’as, I would always think, “Yeah, that’s never going to happen.” It would make me hold my tongue to ask for things because I thought they weren’t possible, but as Sheikh Ammar AlShukry said from a story,

Is there anything to big for Allah SWT?

Allah SWT is Al-Kabir (The Great) and He is Al-Kareem (The Generous). He knows what is inside your heart and He knows every single one of your dreams. Will we really pass up the opportunity to ask for whatever we want, from the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth? The one who says “Be!” and it will be.

Al-Kabir, may You guide our hearts and inspire our souls to call out to you with our supplications, no matter how big or small. May we have the courage to ask, not because we deserve it, but because we recognize your limitless grace and kindness. May we be of the pious followers that achieve success in this Dunya and achieve even more success in the Akhirat. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.

May Allah SWT bless us all this Ramadan, especially in these last 10 nights. Anything good I have written is from Him and Him alone, and any mistakes are my own.

Assalamu’alaikum. (May peace be upon you.)

P.S For some helpful resources to study Islam during Ramadan and after Ramadan, feel free to visit the first article of this series!



Lila F.

Learning every day through His grace and mercy.